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The following links & videos are intended to help you explore additional resources about mindfulness.
Introduction to Mindfulness
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Center for Mindfulness in Medicine,
Health Care, and Society
Just Breathe

by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman

Mindful Schools

Mindfulness at Work

University of CA - Berkley

Greater Good Science Center

Wheel of Health

Duke Integrative Medicine 

In today’s fast-paced and increasingly complex world, medical science and the evolution of unique models for health care are bringing us closer to truly personalized medicine. Given these evolving trends, the need for a comprehensive and dynamically responsive plan for your health is even more important. You are the central focus of the Wheel of Health. Mindful Awareness of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being is the key to start the process of positive change.

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